Healthwatch Croydon’s ‘mental health’ Advisory Forum

Healthwatch Croydon’s ‘mental health’ Advisory Forum, 

Thursday 5th May 2016, 12 pm to 2 pm

Location: New Addington Community Centre, Community Hall, Central Parade, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0JB

Join us to be the ‘eyes and ears of Croydon’ on issues in mental health and care, and reflect the community’s perspective.

Have your say on mental health views and experiences in Croydon.

To register book on or call 020 8663 5648 (9 pm to 5 pm Monday to Friday)

Forum Part 1: As a person interested in mental health needs, what support is needed? What are good services? Where requires improvement?

Forum Part 2: How do we, as a community, continue to raise mental health awareness? What can the community do to support people in the community?

Light refreshments would be provided.

If you are low/no income you can claim reasonable travel expenses.

If you cannot make it but would like to take part send your confidential feedback to:

Healthwatch Croydon – The Official ‘Patient Voice’

Healthwatch Croydon is the consumer champion for health and social care locally. We help people get the best out of their local health and social care services; whether it’s improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow. Healthwatch is all about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services; not just the people who use them, but anyone who might need to in the future.  We are part of the Healthwatch Network, made up of 152 local Healthwatch organisations across England and supported by a national body, Healthwatch England.

What does Healthwatch Croydon Do?

We listen.

We gather the views and experiences of local people on the way health and social care services are delivered and conduct research on topics identified by you. If you have any views on local services, good or bad, we are here to listen.

We act.

We collate the information you give us individually to form a wider picture of local services and use this evidence to influence the way services are designed and delivered, working closely with providers, planners and regulators to ensure your voice is heard.  We also have an Enter and View programme, staffed by volunteers, observing how services are being delivered.

We help.

We provide people with information and advice about any health or social care related topic, such as how to access a service, or how to make a complaint.

We include you.

Local residents are at the centre of Healthwatch. Volunteers help us in all aspects of our work, we have various volunteering opportunities, you could be office based or out in the community, learning new skills and gaining valuable experience.

Getting in touch.

You can contact the office about volunteering, or to give us your views and experiences of local health and social care services, or to get advice and information.

Call 020 8663 5648 or email

There is also much more information about Healthwatch Croydon on our website: