Spar with a Star

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Mind in Croydon as one of the Mayor of Croydon’s chosen charities to support this year. Last Saturday 14th March hosted a ‘Spar with a Star’ event. This was a positive event to promote the invaluable work of all the Mayors chosen charities.  People as young as 12, were able to have a go sparing with Duke. We are grateful to @Duke MacKenzie MBE and his gym to enable this opportunity.

If you would like to still make a donation to the Mayor’s Charities you can still (click here) as well as directly to Mind in Croydon via JustGiving (click here).

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Heads Together Launches

Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined forces to launch their new project ‘Heads Together’ on Monday 16th May 2016. The aim of the project is to bring together 8 leading mental health charities, raise awareness and end the stigma associated with mental health.

Duke McKenzie who provides our Boxercise sessions for Active Minds/Get Set To Go and two of the service users (Jade Jennings and Stephanie Woe) met the royals and put them to the test with some sparring.

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More information on the project and all of the charities involved can be found at:



Want to get fit and meet new people? Why not come along to our Boxercise sessions.  Every Friday from 12pm-1.30pm at Duke’s Gym in Crystal Palace

  • Each session involves a structured programme of boxing training and circuit work, covering aspects of boxing techniques and fitness training. (The programme is non-contact, with people only hitting bags or pads).
  • Helps to improve your physical fitness
  • Builds your confidence and self-esteem
  • Meet new people

Contact the Active Minds team on or on 020 8253 8206.