Mind in Croydon Features in CNN Article

“One of the world’s strictest lockdowns is lifting, but many are scared to go back to normal life” an article published by CCN today features Mind in Croydon. Emma Turner contributed to a discussion around an anticipated increase in demand on existing mental health and wellbeing services. Raising the need for ongoing support as we expect demand outstripping supply.

To read the article please click here.

Mind in Croydon Hoarding Project Makes National News

You might have noticed that our Hoarding Project featured as part of the BBC News last night (Sunday 28th January). You can read and see more about the project here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-41949044

We are very pleased to have been able to work in partnership with Croydon Council to develop a new and innovative way of supporting people who hoard. The pilot project has proven to be extremely successful and we are in the process of writing up a full report on the project and preparing to support another group of people.