Support our Walkers!

A few of our Positive Steps walkers have created fundraising pages…please show your support!

Julia and Amaraghosha –

Marie Gray –

Jade Pope –

Euan and Emma –

Positive Steps 2016

Positive Steps 2016
A 15km Charity Walk
Lloyd Park, Croydon

On Sunday 26th June 2016 we will be holding our fourth Positive Steps charity walk event in Lloyd Park.

The walk itself is three laps of a 5k route around Lloyd Park we encourage people to come along and do as little or as much as they want.

The event aims to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of wellbeing.

Register now!

You can register online or download a registration form to fill in and post back to us.

Register via Eventbrite

Registration Form
(cheques to be made payable to Mind in Croydon Ltd)

Early Bird Rate available until 29th February 2016!

Positive Steps 2015

Positive Steps 2015,

Well the weatherman predicted rain all day. Which shows how much he knows! Whilst we did get a little sprinkling of the wet stuff it didn’t dampen the spirits of everyone involved in this year’s Mind in Croydon Positive Steps Walk. Now in its third year Positive Steps is all about raising awareness of mental health, bringing down some of the barriers people face but mainly to have fun and feel good.

On the day we had over 20 willing volunteers to man the stewarding points, register walkers, generally move, carry and organise, and at one point even hold down the gazebo while we tried to secure it in what felt like a hurricane. Our volunteers were joined by 52 walkers, 30-40 supporters and well-wishers and thanks to a bouncy castle and face painting, generously supplied by Croydon Heart Town, a lot of passing families – although it was at times difficult to remove Mind in Croydon staff from the bouncy castle in order to let the smaller children have a go.

Once we had everything laid out, put up and tied down the day began with a passionate talk from Kevin Day. His honesty and emotion when talking about the challenges his family have recently faced moved everyone assembled but he still found the time in his introduction to be very funny.

The following drum and dance workshop provided by Mango Tree Fit got everyone in the mood for the day. I can definitely recommend a bit of drumming to raise your spirits and loosen the muscles.

And then they were off, our hardy walkers ranging from twins aged five to a Mind in Croydon volunteer aged 74 set off to cover 15km of Lloyd Park cheered on by the gathered crowd. The walkers supported each other as well as receiving encouragement from the stewards dotted around the course and other people out enjoying the park.

Barely an hour later the front runners (or rather walkers) passed the 5km mark and embarked on their second lap. With people joining after the official start it was sometimes difficult to tell who was where but as it wasn’t a race that really didn’t matter. In a very respectable time the last of the walkers passed the 5km mark, some opting to continue, and some retiring having reached their personal goal. The wonderful thing about splitting the 15km into 3 laps is that people who perhaps are less agile or marshalling children can set their own target, receive the coveted Positive Steps medal and feel that sense of achievement.

And then all too soon it was over, all the walkers safe and accounted for, stewards back at base for a welcome cup of tea, last few members of Mind in Croydon staff removed from the bouncy castle and plans for next year already being discussed.

With huge thanks to Croydon Council, Croydon Heart Town, Mango Tree Fit, Striders, LV, Veolia, Cheap Leaflets,  The Radio Company and Kevin Day. But the biggest thanks must go to all of the volunteers who make this event possible and all of the walkers for helping to end mental health stigma

See you next year?


(Photo’s from the event can be seen on Facebook)

Message from Comedian Kevin Day about Positive Steps 2015

Kevin Day

“Hello everybody – Kevin Day here. I shall be there on Saturday to start Positive Steps for Croydon MIND.

I lost my Mum in January and watching my Dad try to cope has been a painful reminder about how precious, and fragile, mental well-being is and how hard it must be if there is no one there to help you.

Jonathan Trott’s retirement from international cricket this week, after his well publicised problems with stress and depression has been a painful reminder that youth and wealth offer no comfort if there is no one there to help you.

Well, if you live in Croydon, there is someone to help you and that’s why I am honoured to help Croydon MIND.”

Find out more information and sign up to Positive Steps here

Positive Steps Returns!

Positive Steps Logo

On Saturday the 9th May 2015 we will be holding our third Positive Steps charity walk event in Lloyd Park.

The walk itself is three laps of a 5k route around Lloyd Park we encourage people to come along and do as little or as much as they want.

The event aims to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of wellbeing.


You can register via Eventbrite by clicking here or you can download the registration form here.

For more details see the poster below.

Positive Steps 2015 Poster minus FitbySonic